Why is it that some speakers are able to use words in such a way that they immediately catch and hold the attention of their audience? How come that other speakers quickly lose audience interest? Most likely, that’s because the successful speaker knows how to present himself in an original and genuine manner, and he uses just the right words to do so. Simply stated: his language performance is better.
Can language performance be learnt?
Language performance – your choice of words, the way in which you formulate your sentences and your non-verbal communication – says much about who you are and how you wish to present yourself.
You could even say that language makes the man (or woman).
Is language performance something that can be acquired? Yes! I can help you find your own tone of voice. And I’ll show you how to use this in a naturally conscious manner: with result!
The theory behind my language performance concept is the result of 20 years experience working with the Dutch language. My work has covered teaching Dutch at Secondary School level and as a second language (NT2), as well as tutoring literary reading circles.